Sri Lanka Progressive Front

Established in 1988 Sri Lanka Progressive Front passed many remarkable milestones and now progressed as a fully fledged political party in democratic socialist republic of sri lanka. The party is honored to invite the new members to join hands as the journey now accelerated towards a rapid growth and reform. As a part of ongoing improvements of the party we have introduced new media including the new website to keep the members up to date with the latest happenings of the progressive Front.

The President / Leader
Dr. W. Champika Roshan Lowe


Emerge as a progressive, unitary state and a just society, safeguarding all Human Rights of the citizens, a democratic government based on Universal Franchise and Free Election, and a socialistic country, without any type of social discrimination, honouring the dignity of mankind.


Implement the policies of good governance, in order to achieve self – sufficiency of the economy and prosperity for Sri-Lanka, while preserving the values of culture and heritage of Sri-Lanka, while preserving the cultural values and heritage of Sri-Lanka, respecting all faiths and ethnicities, in the country.

Registration is now open

Join the Sri Lanka Progressive Front

Members can now register with Sri Lanka Progressive Front through the official website and official social media channels

Event Highlights

Joint Organisations


The Late Mr. Ariya Bulegoda – Founder and general secretary

The Late S.D Bandaranayake first president of SLPF

The Late Ajith Thilakarathna de Silva -First treasure